Eezz produce unique tees and apparel. Whilst I could write some website blah about my business, I'll cut to the chase and simply answer what may be on your mind. Below are the top five things I am asked about eezz.
What’s with the name?
I invented eezz, pronounced beezz (notice the bee in the logo), about 5 years ago. I don’t know where the name came from, but I was, at the time, reading work by E. O. Wilson (American biologist, naturalist, entomologist and writer). Wilson thinks and writes about superorganisms including bees, ants and humans.
Your tees are weird…
Good. The designs for my unique tees and apparel are, mostly, inspired by what I read. I am interested in everything. What I am into also changes year to year. Overall, I want to explore things as holistically as possible. I enjoy the plethora of different ways there are to think about what’s around us and out there. There are many ways to perceive the world. In getting to the truth of things, let's not limit our ideas or be boring!
You use the made up word 'think-a-tude' in some of your social media. That's pretty daggy...
“Let’s go dingo” is fun to say…
Yes. It’s a phrase my daughter used. Let’s Go Dingo items are her ideas. The origin of the expression is our kelpie dogs. Whilst they are not dingos, we think they share some characteristics. In the end, "let's go dingo" became something our family said to get everyone moving. Bucks from the sale of Let's Go Dingo items go to my 10 year old partner in design.
Your stuff is not very colourful…
I design what I like to wear. My brand started with me making stuff for myself when I could not find anything that reflected who I was. I wanted things that put my heart on my sleeve (or tee, or sweat or bag)! I get my gear is not for everyone but if you have bothered to read this, it might be for you.
Other items and colours?
Yes. I am happy to design custom items. See The Print Bar website (https://www.theprintbar.com/) for tees and other apparel available for printing.